
I am pleased to welcome you to my virtual gallery

Most of the pictures are oil-paintings. Except for the portraits they are drawn by a palette knife. The portraits are painted by brush using a classical method.

All pictures that you can see here are already sold.

Anyway, if you want to order some of them, please e-mail me.


How to order? I want a portrait - Send me a photo of the person you would painted (portrait subject). You can use either e-mail, or normal post.

The size does not matter, only the quality (resolution,emphasis) is important. I want a painting. - If you like my paintings and would like to have one in your home, or would like to purchase one as a gift, please send me an e-mail, desribing the specific details that you would like to include. You can specify the theme, background, content, size, etc. If you want a painting similar to the presented ones, je-mail me with your request and include a photo of your favorite place, nature scene, house, dog, cat, etc.

In all cases, I will draw the painting according to your specifications. After completing the work I will send you (by e-mail or post) a photo of the painting. So you can decide whether you are going to buy it, or not.

I believe that you will be as satisfied as all other owners of my paintings. I look forward to working with you and creating a portrait of beauty that will last for many years to come.

Vitajte v mojej virtuálnej galérii

Väčšina obrazov sú olejomaľby maľované špachtľou, okrem portrétov, ktoré sú maľované klasicky, štetcom.

Všetky obrazy, ktoré tu môžete vidieť sú predané.

Pri objednávaní portrétu mi pošlete fotografiu e-mailom alebo poštou.


Ak sa Vám páči moja tvorba a chceli by ste vlastniť obraz odo mňa, pošlite mi e-mail s popisom Vašej predstavy o obraze (námet, rozmer, farebnosť atď.), alebo určite, ktorý z vystavených obrazov je mu podobný. Ja obraz namaľujem, odfotím a kvalitnú fotku Vám pošlem e-mailom. Ak sa Vám bude páčiť, je Váš.

Nezáleží na veľkosti fotografie, ale na kvalite (ostrosť). Po namaľovaní portrétu Vám najskôr pošlem odfotený obraz, aby ste vedeli čo kupujete.

Už sa teším na Vaše objednávky a verím, že budete spokojní tak, ako sú spokojní všetci vlastníci mojich obrazov, alebo potešíte svojich blízkych pekným a originálnym darčekom.